
Showing posts with the label Facebook sharing

Sharing with Social media (Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, pinterest) while clicking using javascript

I have researched on Sharing with social media like facebook, twitter, tumblr and pinterest . As I have researched I have found many plugins for this features, but I found many unused social media added in that plugins. So I have made this sharing features researching. For Facebook Sharing , Using Facebook javascript sdk . here is the code: <a title="Share on Facebook" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="return share();" >Share with Facebook</a> <script  type="text/javascript">                 function share()                 {                     FB.ui({ method: 'feed',                     link: '',//link for facebook user to get back to the site                     picture: "", //picture to share                     name: '', //header title of the article                     caption: "",  //caption for the picture in the article                     description: "