
Showing posts with the label Facebook API

Facebook Invite Function

The Invite function for the Facebook or Facebook Invitation is easy and simple. Just use following javascript. <script  type="text/javascript">     <!-- for facebook invite-->     var message='/*Message displayed in the top of the invite window*/';   The below function is for Multiple Facebook Friend Invite function MultiFriendSelector() {         FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',             title: ' /*Title of the app*/ ',             message: message,             }, requestCallback);     }   The below function is for Single Facebook Friend Invite function FacebookInviteFriends(id)     {         FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',             title: ' /*Title of the app*/' ,             message: message,             to: id,         }, requestCallback);     } The below function is for callback function when user perform the action  function requestCallback(response) {         if (response.request &am