Facebook Invite Function

The Invite function for the Facebook or Facebook Invitation is easy and simple. Just use following javascript.

<script  type="text/javascript">
    <!-- for facebook invite-->
    var message='/*Message displayed in the top of the invite window*/';
The below function is for Multiple Facebook Friend Invite

function MultiFriendSelector() {
        FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',
            title: '/*Title of the app*/',
            message: message,
            }, requestCallback);
The below function is for Single Facebook Friend Invite

function FacebookInviteFriends(id)
        FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',
            title: '/*Title of the app*/',
            message: message,
            to: id,
        }, requestCallback);

The below function is for callback function when user perform the action 

function requestCallback(response) {
        if (response.request && response.to) {
            var request_ids = [];
            for(i=0; i<response.to.length; i++) {
                var temp = response.to[i];
            var requests = request_ids.join(',');
            $.post('/*function to store the data*/',{
                uid: /*Logged in user id*/, 
                request_ids: requests},function(resp) {
        return false;

Anchor  for the single user Facebook invitation :

<a href="#" onClick="FacebookInviteFriends(/*facebook user id*/);" 
 title="Invite this person">Invite</a>

Anchor for the multiple user Facebook invitation :

<a href="#" onclick="MultiFriendSelector()">Invite your Facebook friends!</a>

I think, this is clear and simple. Just use it code and invite facebook friend for your website.


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